Thursday, 30 August 2012


I just looked in the mirror and for some reason I thought I looked gross and ugly. I've never felt so gross and ugly before in my whole life.

I have these stupid smile lines appearing on my face that makes me look like an old wrinkly woman. I was going to show my mom those ugly smile lines by pressing my index fingers over them, but my mom said it made me look ugly like an old woman and that it made my mouth protrude. My mouth protrudes in a stupid way like a duck and it looks disgusting and stupid. My whole face is stupid. I felt so ugly that i wanted to just die.

I used a handheld massaging device on my face to try and change my face shape. Maybe it would make my face thinner and get rid of my stupid fats by relaxing the muscles like botox. Or would it just make a face sag, idk. While I was massaging my face, I started crying because I just felt so gross and ugly.

I want to get plastic surgery when I'm 18. I don't care if I don't have money or if I get into a huge debt. I want a higher nose bridge, more prominent cheekbones, thinner lips, pinker lips, smaller face, curvier forehead. I also want my teeth to be sanded down so that my mouth doesn't protrude as much and I want to get filler where my smile lines are. I want to redo my entire face. I hate everything, it's all ugly.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I'm PMSing, but I've never felt so ugly in my life.

This is stupid. My face is ugly. Even my life is ugly. Everything is ugly.

I hate this.

Edit:  I'm already feeling better now. I think that was just a sudden mood swing. ;__; Btw, I took off the poll because I figured that I should just blog about whatever I feel like instead of pleasing an audience. *shrug*