Sometimes I just don't understand why some people care so much. I don't mean the kind of caring as in taking care of someone and caring for someone. I mean the kind of 'caring' where some people go out of their way to do unnecessary things and make a completely irrelevant person's life miserable.
Here's an example of some girls in my school 'over-caring' (copy and pasted from my Tumblr since I was ranting, haha):
A few days ago I was sitting with Friend A and Friend B. Friend B then went to do homework and we could see her through a balcony in the middle of the floor, so we were just fooling around like “HAIII WE CAN SEE YOU! 8D”.
Today, Friend B told me that while she was sitting there, there was a small group of girls sitting opposite her and one of the girls kept commenting loudly about me and Friend A. I don’t even know how she didn’t realise that Friend B was sitting right in front of her (almost everyone knows that me and Friend B are close friends apart from the new people). -__-
…Lyke whut. You know what I really dislike and find stupid? When people comment on small things I’m doing that’s not relevant to them in any way whatsoever. For example, let’s say I ate a muffin last week. Then all of a sudden some people who I don’t even talk to start telling their friends: “LOLZ GUESS WHAT, SHE ATE A MUFFIN LAST WEEK. LOLOLOLOLZ!” Uhhh ok. You must be really bored to keep reporting back the little things I’m doing to your friends (this has happened more than once). ._. People like that are the ones that spend their breaks gossiping about people to their friends instead of actually bonding with each other. What right does she have to say that I don’t talk to my friends during lunch? Even if I don’t, it’s none of her business anyway.
The rest of the girls in the group were just like “oh, lol” and not really saying anything. At least my ‘not talking’ is better than being so bored and awkward that you HAVE to comment on what other people are doing with their friends, especially when your friends aren’t even interested in your gossipy behaviour. :I
Also, just because I don’t talk to YOU doesn’t mean that I don’t talk to my friends. Stop thinking that the world revolves around you. (^This is aimed at that girl. I noticed that I kept switching between “you” and “she” so it might confuse some people. XD)By the way, Friend B is the person I referred to as 'my best friend' in my older entries. But I don't think I'm going to call her that anymore because she's no longer trying to seclude me from everyone else and she's been acting like a proper friend. She has also stopped trying to get Friend A's attention since we're all very close now, so I guess she stopped feeling the need to impress her.
ok I’m probably kicking up a fuss over such a trivial thing but ARGH STUFF LIKE THIS GETS ON MY NERVES.
I think I'm the type of person who just doesn't care. Of course I care about my family, my friends and people/things that are important and relevant to me, but outside of that, I just don't care. Whenever my friends are complaining about the amount of homework they get and how stressed they are, they point out that I always seem so calm and carefree. It's not because I don't have any work to do. I think it's just because I don't care. At some point, I learned to not care about things that are not worth stressing over.
And I don't think it's a bad thing. In fact, I'm happy that I don't care about things irrelevant to me. It helps me become a more open-minded person, in a way. Because of my indifference, I am not subjective or bigoted.
But one thing I don't understand is why some people care so much. You know how some people make a big fuss over legalising gay marriage? I don't understand that. I don't have anything against gay marriage because it doesn't affect me. If gays want to get married, then go ahead. If not, then don't. It's not going to change my life (as a heterosexual) in anyway. So I just DON'T understand why some heterosexuals are making life more difficult for BOTH themselves and the people who want to marry those of the same sex? Why do they feel the need to go out of their way to make gay marriage illegal when it doesn't affect their lives whatsoever?
In the same way, I don't understand why the girl, whom Friend B overheard, was reporting every tiny thing I do since it was completely irrelevant to her.
And here's another short rant copy and pasted from my Tumblr:
We were moving a tennis net (it’s heavy as hell btw) across the court, one of the two girls playing netball on another court suddenly asked me in a haughty tone: “Um, what are you guys doing?”.
I just replied “Uh, moving the net?”. What did it look like we were doing? Swimming?
Then she said, “Well, then hurry up!! You’re taking AAAGEEES!!!”
I was just like “lol ok” and carried on moving the net.
Is it just me or was her comment really… so unnecessary and pointless? @_@ Why did she feel that she HAD to speak in a rude manner? We were obviously moving the net across the court - if she didn’t realise that then that’s fine, but did she just HAVE to sound so arrogant and sarcastic? We weren’t even on their court and didn’t interfere with them playing netball at all. They weren’t even playing a game. They were just throwing the ball into the hoop.
I don’t understand her way of thinking. Was she trying to start a fight? Why, because she was bored with netball? Was she trying to make me mad because I’m usually quiet so she wanted to see me angry? Was it because she was PMS-ing and decided to take it out on me because she knew that I wouldn’t retaliate? Why is she bothering to go out of her way to make such an unnecessary comment?
That girl happens to be in my physics class as well. Why is she creating such uncalled for resentment when we’ll be seeing each other in class almost every school day for the rest of the year?
Just WHY? I don’t understand why people do what they do. I don’t get it at all.Do you see where I'm coming from? Why do some people just go out of their way doing something completely unnecessary to other people who are irrelevant to them? By not caring (ie. not giving a crap) about that one person, they're really just over-caring instead. If you hated one person, you could just ignore them instead of making life more difficult for yourself by making life more difficult for them. Why not just carry on with your life and surround yourself with happy things?
I'm still not completely indifferent to irrelevant people though. Sometimes I still care about things I shouldn't care about. I'm letting these trivial things annoy me but you know what? I'm going to learn to not care about those kind of people either. :)