Friday, 24 April 2015

Just dropping in.

Sorry for disappearing again. I don't really blog much about my life anyway these days. I don't really have much to talk about. Back when I was blogging regularly, it was because I was feeling down and wanted to write my feelings somewhere no one knows me in real life. Since not a lot of people read my blog anyway, I feel less motivated to write about other stuff.

I've been pretty happy though. ^^ I've been on Easter holiday for almost a month. I'm going back to uni in two days. Looking forward to see my boyfriend again. I miss hugging him. Life's been good.

I feel scared to talk about the good parts of my life sometimes. During my last relationship (which I've realised was pretty much an abusive relationship...), whenever I wrote about how things were calming down, more drama would happen because my ex loved to start shit. It was really exhausting.

I wrote a happy post on my Tumblr the other day, talking about how good my life is. I kept feeling very paranoid that someone (namely my ex) might read it and be all bitter about it. He'd start posting shit about my on forums like he did last time when he saw that I got a new boyfriend. People like him are pathetic.

I think I'm still traumatised by everything that happened. :/ I still feel afraid sometimes even though I shouldn't be anymore. He can't hurt me anymore. Hopefully time will heal my wounds.

I'm okay otherwise though. Around 2 months of uni left and I'll be done with my first year. :D I'm still not sure what I want to do in the future. I used to want to be an architect, but I'm not so sure anymore. The course is 7-8 years long and the starting salary isn't even that great. I can't even just do the first part of Architecture and be an architectural assistant for the rest of my life since they only earn £20,000/year max. :/ I'm hoping to be able to switch to game design of some sort without needing more studies. For now I can only just stick with Architecture since I don't want to have wasted a whole year of university fees.

That's all I really have to talk about. I'll drop in again some other day. :p