Saturday, 17 December 2011

Christmas Spirit

Today was the last day of school before the winter holidays. For me, Christmas is already over; my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas. Not the last couple of years, anyway. I think I've lost my Christmas spirit. In the past, I used to get really excited and just have this warm, happy feeling inside. But now, I just feel stressed and a bit dejected.

I got some presents from my friends and my Secret Santa and they were alright, I guess (I won't complain). I did give them expensive branded pens despite the fact that my family is trying to save money, so I feel a little... 'cheated'? I'm not sure if that's the right word to use. Is it normal to feel this way or am I just plain selfish?

But still, even though the presents I got wasn't as amazing as I had wished for (and someone didn't give me back a present :'c), I was very happy with the few sincere "thank you"s I got from some of my friends. A couple of Christmas cards I received also made me smile because some people dedicated the card to me personally, so instead of just a "Merry Christmas!", they drew a cute and small picture of a cat and wrote a "meow". It's nice to know that some people care about you as a person, even if they hadn't given you a present. <3

One of my classmates left today to go and study in Japan. She was the Japanese girl whom I've talked to about Japanese dramas before. She's a pretty nice person, unlike the other girls in my school who spread rumours, so I was a bit sad that she's leaving before we could potentially form a friendship. I almost cried a couple of times, but I'm glad I didn't because more people would probably badmouth me for crying (I might just be being paranoid here though).

I contributed a little message to her in a book that someone organised with a lot of photographs and other goodbye messages inside it. I wrote something along the lines of "頑張って (gambatte)", which basically means "good luck".

So yeah, that basically sums up my day. It was also my mom's birthday today. c:

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