Wednesday, 9 November 2011

School updates, and a male me? :D

My self-portrait is finished, but it looks pretty mediocre compared to some other people's. For some reason, I'm getting the feeling that some people are copying me...? I'm painting a photograph of myself making a surprised expression with widened eyes in black and white, and I saw two other people also painting in black and white and their photo was also a surprised face with widened eyes. One of them even painted an eye-shadow-like wing going upwards that was exactly like in my painting's.

I know that 'surprised' isn't an original expression, but did they just have to use the same colour palette as mine? When I look at the self-portraits from last year's art students, only one of them was black and white so I thought that my canvas would stand out more if I did that too. Guess not.

...Or maybe I'm just being too paranoid. :x I had to hand in my artbook yesterday and I haven't finished all of the research and paintings I'm supposed to do. I'm probably going to get a C for it. My fault for not being organised. D:

I should probably blog about something more interesting, but nothing much has happened lately.

I did make a new friend though! :D We started bonding much more after finding out that we both play on the same website - TinierMe. I really like talking to her; I feel like I can be myself and say whatever I want to.

I have another friend on Skype and while it makes me smile to be around her, I feel a bit restricted somehow - as if I have to keep up to certain expectations. I'm not sure why I feel this way.


Anyway! On a side note, I photoshopped a picture of myself into a guy a few months ago. :D I've only decided to upload the photo here now because I think my blog would look better with more pictures.

And yes, I know that the picture's tiny; it would look really fake if I made it any bigger. xD The hair is done by tying my own hair up into a ponytail and edited out on Photoshop, and then I drew the rest. (<-- I think the sentence structure here is an epic fail, but I'm not sure how to reword it to make it sound better. *noob*)

The photo is actually from back when I used to edit my pictures like crazy soejr;poweijr, so that's why the eyes look a bit strange (but my pose was so guy-ish here that I just had to choose this one).

All in all, I think I could pass as a girly guy. = w = b

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Back in School

So half-term holiday has ended, and I'm now back in school. Not much happened, really, but I feel like blogging.

I broke the skin of my lips yesterday so it hurts to smile. D: I can just imagine the cut on my lips being ripped and stretched apart even more. *cringe*

In art, we're painting self-portraits of ourselves on canvases. It's really fun! I think I'm doing a decent job with my painting so far, and lots of people said that it was amazing. It makes me happy~! ≧ω≦ I'm ahead of everyone so far because a lot of them took a looong time doing the gridding since we were scaling up photographs of ourselves onto a large canvas. A lot of people's drawings turned out to look disproportional and off.

My secret to painting is that I don't follow grids and draw what I see instead. I believe in looking at a whole picture instead of tiny little details. As long as the whole thing looks right, it doesn't matter if your hand is drawn higher than it should be, etc. I always make my paintbrushes rather dry in order to blend the colours well by sweeping it back and forth really quickly - like applying powder onto your face. This is only suitable for painting a large area though. /end artistic rambling

Anyway, I'll see if I can upload a photo of my painting when I've finished it. c:

I also got the results of my Latin test back today and I got 92.5%, which is alright, I guess.

I'm going to rub garlic juice on my face later to get rid of an acne outbreak I have (stupid exams and essays!). It works pretty well! Even though it burns a bit when you put it on, it's tolerable - especially when you know you're improving your looks. Seriously, clear skin makes a huge difference to your appearance.

I was going to write about something more interesting, but I can't remember. Oh well, guess I'll just end here.