This is mostly for my own self-reference. I have a Mac 10.4 and these are the programmes I downloaded in order to record ingame output and mic input separately (ie. the game sounds and the commentary are separated if you didn't get that). I did a lot of Googling to find these programmes and fiddled around to find a way of recording the two audios separately, so I hope this can help someone.
There may be an easier way of recording both audios at the same time, but I haven't found it yet so I came up with this method instead.
Audacity:Download the programme Audacity if you don't have it already.
Audacity will be used to record your commentary (ie. your mic).
Download Screenium.
Go to "Audio" and install "System Audio (Screenium)", AKA Soundflower. You can download other versions of Soundflower yourself if you want to, but Screenium is only compatible with the version that it tells you to install.
Once you've installed Soundflower through Screenium, you will be asked to restart your computer. After restarting, the following options shown in the above picture under "Audio" should come up. Check the box for "System Audio (Screenium)". Leave the other two built-ins unchecked.
This allows you to use Screenium to record both the screen AND the ingame audio only (sounds from your mic will not be recorded).
If you want to edit the ingame audio, you can always extract the audio from the video using iMovie HD.
System Preference:
Now go to the Apple Menu, then click "System Preferences".
Change the "Output" to "Headphones/Built-in Output".
Change the "Input" to "Internal microphone/Built-in".
Actually, the system preference settings shouldn't make much of a difference. At least, it didn't make a difference for me - Screenium still recorded both the screen and the ingame audio, and Audacity still recorded the mic.
Putting the video together:
Upload the audio track of your mic and the screen + ingame audio recording onto a video-editing programme of your choice. Sync both of the tracks together. And then you're done!