A few days ago, I found out that my 'best friend' stole an idea I had for my iMedia project. In iMedia, you basically focus on graphic designs and learn about copyrights, or something like that. Our current project was to design a furniture website. I programmed mine so that when you click on the image of a furniture, a small window pops up with more details on the furniture and everything in the background fades into a darker colour. The programming of that feature was pretty easy, but it was just long and time-consuming to do.
When I was finished with the programming, I was really excited because it made my website look professional, so I showed it to my 'best friend'. Ironically, despite having just learnt about copyright issues, she decided to steal my idea and pass it off as her own. I was really annoyed when I found out. She could have
at least asked me if she could do something based on my idea, like what another one of my friends did when we were making clay sculptures. She's stolen my ideas before in then past and gotten credit for it, but iMedia is a professional course that even adults take when they're becoming a graphic designer. Our projects would be sent off to the examiners when we've finished everything. Copying my ideas for a small thing like school homework is one thing, but copying my ideas for an
examination is completely different.
I couldn't even say anything to my 'best friend'. If I did, she would have told another girl in my class who spreads rumours all the time, and twist the story to make it look like I'm the one who's wrong.
That's not only the thing that was stolen from me this week. During my Design & Technology classes, we always put our bags in open shelves outside the room. Some idiot decided to
steal money from my bag. There aren't any security cameras in my school, so there's no way of catching the thief. Whoever stole it must have been a pathetic girl who wanted money to buy a ton of makeup to cover up her ugly face. *insult insult insult* But seriously, why
me? There's up to twenty other bags in that shelf. Why did the thief
only steal my money and not anyone else's?
The thief left my bag open, so I immediately knew that someone went through my bag. I'm slightly OCD, so I
always zip up my bag properly. As soon as I found some of my money missing (not sure exactly how much though), I got mad and said "Some bitch stole my money. D:<". The people who heard me were like "OMG! Did you just swear? O_O" because I never, ever, ever swear in real life. It was kind of funny. xD
While I was walking to my next lesson, a girl asked me how much was stolen from me, so I said "I'm not sure, but it could have been up to £20." Then my 'best friend' started ordering me around, saying things like "Don't say you have £20 in your bag, or people will think you're weird. Don't start cursing in the middle of... *mumblemumble*" (Couldn't hear what she said at the end because she speaks really quietly and mumbles, yet she gets mad at me for speaking too quietly. "omggg i cant hear wut ur seying!!!!111!!" You'd think she'd be able to understand.)
I just told her that I didn't care. >>;; How is it weird to have £20 anyway? Too much money? Is it weird to have a lot of money? Oh wait, does that mean Bill Gates is the biggest weirdo in the world? -_-
So yeah, quite a lot of un-normal stuff happened this week. D: I can't wait for sixth form (12th grade). My school sorts out the students with bad grades from the ones with good grades and practically kicks them out. xD This might sound mean, but I hope my 'best friend' drops out. She really just treats me like crap sometimes. It's okay to still be friends with her, but she's not someone to be a
close friend with. She starts thinking of you as her property and thinks she can mistreat you, because she gets the idea that you can't find another friend as a replacement. Sadly, that's exactly how I am. I don't know anyone else in the class I can trust and become friends with.
Oh and my school gets new people from other schools to join sixth form,so maybe I can befriend some of them! I did see a mean girl from my primary school though. I hope she doesn't get in. D: