Thursday 14 November 2013

It's been a while!

It's been 2 months since my last post but I thought I'd just say I'm alive and well. My relationship has been pretty unstable - more so than before - and we had a lot of conflict and serious talks, but things are going okay now (I hope I don't jinx it). I hope everything continues smoothly. :D

Life seems alright. Things are kind of hectic though because I've submitted my university application and I have a ton of art work to do as well as a bigass essay to write. So far I've received one interview offer and a task to do that shortlists the applicants who will be invited for an interview.

I had to IM my dad last week to get him to send us money, which was annoying as hell (you can read all the douchebaggy things he did in my older entries). It put me in a bad mood for the entire day and I kept getting angry. I have to talk to him regularly now for a few years at least, ugh. I don't know how much of this I can handle. :/

Actually I guess I'm pretty exhausted. I have so much to do. x__x