Wednesday 5 September 2012

First day of sixth form.

Today was my first day of sixth form (year 12). We didn't have any lessons and sort of just sat around and met our form tutors.

School does feel quite different as a sixth former actually, especially since we finally get to wear our own clothes (the lower years have to wear uniform). Plus I felt much more casual and free in a way, and the lower years seem to look at me in awe. xD Usually when I almost bump into someone in the corridors when I was back in year 11, they would give me annoyed looks but now they just laugh it off. I'm still quite short though and a lot of the students from lower years were taller than me. :x

Quite a lot of people complimented my outfit - I would've taken a photo but I didn't think of blogging about this, so I've already changed back to comfortable clothes. -_-

One good thing is that there's at least one person that I know in each of my classes! :D But I was so sad when I found out that the friend who I went on Omegle with was going to another school. I didn't know until I stalked her Facebook. She's a lot of fun to be around and we laughed so much during Latin lessons last year. Hopefully we can meet up next holiday to go on Omegle again and talk about sixth form life in different schools.

Right at the beginning of the day, I went to the sixth form centre where everyone was gathering and I was just standing around like a noob because I couldn't see any of my friends. Then one of the new year 12 girls came over to me and asked me to join her with more of the new students. She thought that I was new to the school because I looked a bit lost. xD I really hope that I'll meet more of the new students and make some new friends. c:

That's all for now, bye bye~

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