Friday 22 February 2013

Pre-Moving In!

We just moved into our new flat on Monday! ^^ My room isn't finished yet (I've decided not to paint the walls light brown after all because it would take too long and I should be focusing on schoolwork), but I'm definitely still aiming for a bright and refreshing atmosphere.

Meanwhile, here are some pre-moving-in photos! :D

On Saturday, my mom and I went to a carpet store to buy carpets (surprise!). We walked half of our way there and got off the bus next to a huge grassy field. Usually when you see rows of houses, it's always surrounded with even more houses, but the houses there just... ended there. o__o That probably made no sense. Imagining living in a house at the end of a suburban area and outside your window all you can see is a massive green field with trees! Kind of like living in the countryside. :D

It was a nice walk. We had to walk through a street which was peacefully quiet. There were no cars at all and hardly any people. Then we had to walk through this tunnel under a traintrack:

Is it just me or does it slightly remind you of the tunnel from Hayao Miyazaki's 'Spirited Away'? The tunnel was so claustrophobically dark and tiny! If you jumped while you're inside the tunnel, you'd smash right into the ceiling. :x

Here's a photo of my room before we did any refurnishing:

As you can see, it's a bit small and the flooring was pretty horrid (which is why we had to buy carpets). The edges of each windowframe was also really moudy and nasty so I scrubbed it off using some anti-bacterial wipes. Then after sticking down the new carpet:

 Looks so much better already! Much more light and airy. :D But then after all our furniture and boxes have been moved in:


Ok most of the boxes have been moved out now so it's not that bad. I have bought two fake cherry blossom branches to put in my room (as well as for my school art installation next Tuesday - I'll take some photos and blog about it if I remember), but I still need to get a vase of some kind. I also got a string of yellow Christmas tree lights for my installation, which I'll also put in my room for extra ambience.

There are still boxes everywhere that still needs to be unpacked, so my room probably won't be fully finished until maybe 2 weeks later or so. :x

And here's the view outside our living room:

Not bad, right? It actually doesn't lose to the river view we had back in our old flat. Everything looks so green despite the winter. :D

I actually planned on starting my Etsy shop this week (half-term holiday), but it looks like I won't have any time, and my wardrobe won't be put together until Sunday. I also have quite a lot of schoolwork to do. :x

I guess my next post will be about my art installation? So that's all for now, bye bye~ ^^


  1. Omg! I love the outside view gorgeous ~ And for your idea of the Christmas lights, I had the same idea for my room too! So i did and it make my room look a lot brighter! :D

    1. Haha that's awesome! Your room must look really nice with all the lights off and only the Christmas lights shining! :D
