Tuesday 3 January 2012

Happy New Year!

It's a bit late, but Happy New Year nevertheless! I've been studying a bit lately, but I'm still behind my revision schedule because I just can't find the motivation to revise.

 On Sunday (1st January), I went to a Taiwanese flag-raising ceremony. I camwhored a bit since I had dressed up and put on makeup, but the photos turned out to be terrible. ;-; The only one photo that was somewhat decent as blurry too, making one of my eyes look noticeably smaller than the other. I look so weird when I smile - it goes lopsided and my teeth end up looking ridiculously huge. D: I'm really not photogenic. All the photos you may have seen of me so far are probably the best out of hundreds of shots (okay, I'm exaggerating a bit). xD; A couple of people said that I looked pretty, so hopefully it's the camera's problem. *crosses fingers*

On a random note, I made an account on the global version of Cyworld:

Add me if you have one? The site speed is really slow for some reason and some of the pages don't load. The navigation was a bit confusing too. I probably won't be using it much until the quality improves. > <

I have so much to do and here I am: sitting here doing nothing. I need to film a fashion advert for a school project, and I have no idea how to make it look professional. The more annoying thing is that the advert needs to be over 90 seconds long, which I think is unrealistic. What kind of a commercial is that long!? You never see length ads on TV because it'd be really expensive to air. Not much I could do about that though. I've never tried being the subject in a video before, so I'm worried that I'd mess it all up. :c

I think I'll stop here (and probably keep playing games, fff-).

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